How Fatigue Can Increase The Risk of Accidents

Fatigued driving is a hidden danger on the road, posing a significant risk to drivers, passengers, and even pedestrians. While the dangers of drunk or distracted driving are more commonly discussed, fatigued driving is just as risky and threatening. In this article, we will explore some statistics surrounding the issue, ways in which fatigued driving can impact your driving performance, and what can be done to help avoid being fatigued behind the wheel.
Fatigued Driving Statistics
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 693 deaths caused by drowsy-driving accidents in 2022, along with thousands of injuries. This is an incredible number of fatalities that have resulted from something that is preventable. The Wilmington truck accident attorneys at Shipman & Wright LLP state that driver fatigue is a particular concern among truck drivers, who often spend long hours on the road with little rest.

Signs of Fatigued Driving
Recognizing the signs of fatigued driving is important in order to prevent accidents from occurring. Oftentimes, fatigue can creep up on individuals slowly, leaving drivers mildly unaware of how impaired they have become. Here are some of the most common signs of fatigued driving:
- Drifting between lanes: When you are fatigued, your motor skills and ability to control a vehicle can become significantly compromised. As a result, you might begin to veer off into other lanes or off of the side of the road.
- Difficulty concentrating: Driving requires an immense amount of concentration, and those who are fatigued have difficulty maintaining their focus on the task at hand.
- Yawning: A common reflex to fatigue is yawning, and if you find yourself yawning more than usual on the road, it might indicate that you are too tired to be operating a motor vehicle.
- Delayed reactions: Fatigue can also greatly affect your reaction times, causing you to miss important cues or adapt to changes in traffic speed.
- Frequent blinking: If you find yourself blinking frequently and with heavy eyes, this likely indicates that you are fatigued.
How To Avoid Fatigued Driving
Although the effects of fatigued driving can be grave, fortunately, fatigued driving is preventable. Here are some practical tips that you can adopt to avoid driving while fatigued:
- Get adequate sleep: Of course, the most effective way to prevent fatigued driving is to get adequate sleep. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), adults should get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night.
- Listen to your body: The next important thing to remember is to listen to your body. Even if you don’t think you are fatigued, pay attention to the warning signs and avoid pushing through the fatigue. Pull over and rest if necessary.
- Check your medications: The side effects of some medications can cause extreme drowsiness. Therefore, it may be worthwhile to check the medications you are taking so that you are aware of this potential side effect.
- Caffeine Intake: While caffeine is not a substitute for sleep, it can provide a short-term solution to help keep you alert and awake.
- Avoid driving during natural sleeping hours: Finally, if possible, try to avoid driving during the hours in which your body is naturally programmed to be sleepier – from midnight to 6:00 a.m. and the early afternoon.