3 Ways to be Your Own Boss While you Travel

So you want a career that lets you travel?
Who can blame you? Our jobs take up so much of our time and energy, so it’s important to find something you’re passionate about.
And if that path helps you fulfil your wanderlust on the way, even better!
The most common nomadic careers tend to be roles like travel reps, flight attendants or cruise ship positions.
And while these jobs might give you chance to see the world, they won’t necessarily provide the complete freedom you crave. Once the initial spark has gone, jobs like these can leave you with the same tied-down feeling you were trying to get away from in the first place.
If you’re hoping for a career that lets you travel, you need one that puts you in the driver’s seat. With that in mind, here are just three careers that won’t trap you in a thinly-disguised 9-5.
1. Freelancer
“A freelance what?” you ask.
The answer is, just about anything.
You’d be surprised at the range of skills that are in unexpected demand around the world, and chances are you have at least one talent that could be sold on a freelance basis.
The freelance title is generally associated with writers, artists, photographers and performers, and these are all great ways to make a living.
But if your strengths lie in the left-brained realm of entrepreneurialism, analysis and pragmatism, you may be able to hire out your talents in a consulting role – establish yourself with an agency or hone your self-promotion to source your clients!
2. Business owner
Again, you might be tempted to ask for specifics, but the truth is that with a little ambition, a dash of inspiration and a gap in the market, just about any business can take you abroad, whether you’re a butcher, a baker or broomstick maker.
The internet is a valuable tool for businesses of all industries, and whether you’re an established business with a regular clientele or a total newbie, digital marketing is just one way to take your business international.
Maratopia Digital Marketing can help you personalise your approach for overseas consumers to lay the groundwork for a thriving international trade.
3. Event planner
Ok, so admittedly the events industry is seeing something of a slump at the moment.
But one could argue that’s all the more reason to leap on the bandwagon and get preparing for a future in event planning!
Celebrations have come to a standstill, with all those birthdays, weddings, christenings and family reunions postponed again and again, not just in the UK but across the world.
With families across the world clamouring for a chance to unite with their loved ones, the industry is due a boom once the vaccine is rolled out, and events planners will be in high demand to work their magic.
We hope this article has provided a little inspiration for your next career move as well as your travel plans!