4 Ways to Transform Your Health in 2021

It’s a new year, and it’s really the perfect time to take a long hard look at your health. We focus so much on external things, like our careers, our families and our friends, that we often forget to invest in ourselves. It’s only when something goes wrong, or we’re not feeling our best, that we start to pay attention to our health. Often it’s too late, and some damage has been done. So if you’re wanting to have a healthier year, and to have more energy overall, here are 4 ways to transform your health in 2021:
1. Switch to an E cigarette
Whether you’re looking to cut down on smoking or just want a healthier alternative, E cigarettes can be a great alternative. Compared to traditional cigarettes, you have so many more options with an E cigarette, meaning that you can choose something that’s lower in nicotine which can be a great way to improve your overall health. Another big benefit is that there are no strong odors as with traditional cigarettes and it’s easier to smoke without impacting those around you.
2. Cut Down on Your Sugar Consumption
Added sugar is hidden in almost all of the foods most of us commonly eat, from bread through to yoghurt – it’s there. If you’ve struggled to keep your weight under control, then cutting sugar can be a great way to help propel your weight loss efforts. Sugar raises your blood sugar levels, which inturn affects your insulin levels. If you’re suffering from type 2 diabetes, or it runs in your family, reducing your sugar levels can make a big difference to your risk factors for this disease.
3. Move Your Body
Depending on where you are, this may be more challenging than usual. Due to Covid many gyms are shut down, and our normal activities are restricted. Many of us are also now working from home, which means we’re quite simply not moving as much as before. While it can be challenging to find creative ways to be active at home, thankfully we have Youtube and you can find almost any type of work-out on there for free! Why not add 2-3 workouts a week to your routine, I’m sure you’ll feel the benefits from this in no time.
As an addition to your workout routine consider adding a scoop of protein shake powder to your water after a workout. Making sure you get enough protein is not only great for your own health but it can also help boost your metabolism, help preserve muscle mass, aid muscle recovery and help with weight loss!
4. Check Your Mental Health
2020 was tough for almost all of us for a variety of reasons: many of us experienced cancelled plans, job losses, deaths in our close circles, anxiety about the future, and of course all travel was basically suddenly shut down. It’s almost impossible to go through all these changes without some kind of impact on your mental health. How are you coping? Do you need to speak to someone, or consider some kind of supplementation to help yourself get through? Are you still managing to do things you enjoy, even with all the restrictions? Your mental health is as important as your physical health and they’re closely tied in together.
Why not make 2021 the year that you begin to put your health first. Hopefully these 4 tips help you feel more energized and healthy, so you can achieve all your goals for this year.