Vacation Ideas For Gym Rats

If you’re a committed member of the local gym, then you might view your vacation time as an opportunity to enjoy new and unfamiliar forms of exercise. Mixing things up every once in a while can help you push your physical boundaries – while ensuring that you don’t fall out of shape during your downtime.
But exactly what kinds of break are appropriate? Let’s consider a few options.
Fitness Retreats and Boot Camps
The right fitness retreat can provide you with a serious challenge – as well as education and guidance in all things related to fitness. Pick the right retreat, and you’ll come away with skills that will improve your performance in the long term. In Thailand, Costa Rica, and elsewhere, you’ll find comprehensive retreats that will allow you to exercise in some of the lushest outdoor environments on Earth.
What’s more, you might come away with new skills. Cookery demonstrations, guided meditation, and ice-cold baths can all be game-changers when it comes to health and lifestyle.
Adventure Travel and Active Tours
Certain kinds of overseas break are more physically demanding than others. You might set yourself the target of hiking along a particular mountain ridge, or kayaking down a major river. These breaks not only provide you with an excuse to exercise in beautiful, natural surroundings, but they also tend to provide a goal to strive toward. If you know that you have a major physical challenge looming, you’ll have an extra incentive to take your day-to-day workouts that much more seriously.
Adventure holidays might also expose you to new and unfamiliar cultures and attitudes. Go on walking holidays in Italy enough times, for example, and you might begin to think like an Italian – or even walk like one.
Wellness Resorts with State-of-the-Art Gyms
There are certain kinds of fitness retreats and resorts that are notable because of the sophisticated facilities they offer. You might think of a luxury hotel with a world-class gym bolted on. Book a stay at one of these places, and you’ll be able to keep your workout routine going, even as you head out on vacation. Of course, it’s worth checking exactly when the gym is open before you book your stay, especially if you know you’re going to be maintaining an extreme schedule.
Exploring New Destinations for Physical and Mental Well-being
Even for those with a healthy addiction to the gym, continually working out in the same environment can eventually become stale and uninspiring. Pick a novel and unfamiliar destination, and you’ll provide yourself with a source of new inspiration, while still finding opportunities to exercise. This might mean taking a walking tour of a major city, or taking up a new sport that might not be widely practiced back home.